Sciences for Grades 4 to 6

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Tensai Institute offers Science learning materials for students from Kindegarten to University.

Well, Firstly, Congratulations for making it into Division 2. Grade 4 to 6 is classified as Intermediate Sciences on our websites. You are going to learn many cool topics and sciency things are starting to make more sense in your day to day life. We encourage you to always look for real life examples for the topics you learn here. We also encourage you to make connections between topics, this is what creativity is, if you can pull information from one topic to be able to understand another topic better. Everything is becoming a network, interconnected and must be understood in a holistic way. Continue to aim for that A+ in all your Science tests and we at Tensai Wish you all the best!

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Our Resources

Here, you will access Science learning material and resources for Grade 4 to Grade 6. Ofcourse it is not easy to match the curricula in every country so you may benefit from accessing the Tensai Kids website to learn some more basics targeting students from kindergarten to Grade 3.

Grade 4 Science

Grade 5 Science

Grade 6 Science

Free Learning Resources

Our learning materials are extensive, simple and freely available to all students. Let us know if you have benefitted from these resources or if you have any ideas to make the experience even better.

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Sciences for Elementary Division 2.